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This manual is intended to describe the processes and procedures used to develop, implement, and sustain Project LEE’s model and to permit current and future practitioners to replicate, implement, and tailor the model within their systems. The guidance provided herein is applicable to a wide range of stakeholders including state, district, and school leaders, educators, and parents interested in creating a culturally and linguistically responsive (CLR) MTSS process. Such a framework is increasingly critical in improving the literacy success of the growing population of ELs.

This rubric is intended to be used by individuals or teams who are responsible for monitoring school-level fidelity of a multitiered system of supports (MTSS) for English learners, including MTSS, bilingual, literacy, and English language development specialists or coaches; school principals; and teacher leaders.

Meeting the Needs of English Learners with & without Disabilities

Briefs 1-5

This series of practice briefs supports practitioners, educational coaches, educational leaders, and policymakers in the following:

  • Design and delivery of core and supplemental instruction for ELs with and without disabilities

  • Data analysis and instructional decision-making

  • Setting of criteria for supplemental instruction

  • Appropriate identification of ELs at risk for or with disabilities

  • Design and delivery of intensive interventions

Download briefs:


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