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Educator Resources

New Brief: Multi-Tiered System of
Supports for Multilingual Learners

Using Culturally and Linguistically Aligned Practices 


These tools include observation protocols, these resources include MTSS for ELs Literacy Rubric and accompanying worksheets and ebooks.



EL Model Demonstration Briefs

This series of briefs entitled, “Meeting the Needs of English learners with and without disabilities,” focuses on literacy instruction for English learners with and at-risk for disabilities within a multitiered systems of support (MTSS).  They were developed as a part of a Model Demonstration Grant (Award Number H326M160008) funded through the Office of Special Education Programs that funded three Model Demonstration Projects, Project LEE, Project ELITE and Project ELLIPSES.



Instructional Videos

These instructional videos highlight evidence-based practices for English learners in classroom instruction.



Teacher Documents and Resources

These documents provide teachers with tools they can customize and use in they own classrooms. 


Pluss Lesson Plan (Word Doc Download)

Pluss Lesson Plan (PDF)

Compare & Contrast (PDF)

Video Self Reflection (Word Doc Download)

Video Self Reflection (PDF)


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